Personal Training and Group Fitness Classes

  • Elevate your fitness journey with our exclusive Personal Athletic Training in a private studio. Tailored to your unique goals, we’ll work closely with you to design a customized program encompassing both strength and endurance training.

    You’ll benefit from undivided attention and an intensive approach in a private setting, ensuring each session aligns strategically with your capabilities and aspirations.

    *Pricing starts at $58/class for new members.

    Book your free intro session via the button on this page.

  • Our Small Group Training Classes are designed for a maximum of four members, ensuring a personalized and attentive experience at a more affordable price point.

    This limited class size allows us to tailor workouts to individual needs, provide targeted guidance, and foster a sense of community within the group.

    *Pricing starts at $18/class.

    Book sessions via the Group Training Schedule Button

  • Experience the best of both worlds with our Hybrid Program, blending personalized guidance from personal training with the flexibility of virtual programming.

    Ideal for those constantly on the move or unable to attend frequent in-person sessions, this option empowers you to confidently pursue your fitness journey beyond the gym. Stay consistent and achieve the results you desire on your own terms.

    We’ll work together to create a Hybrid Program aligned to your unique goals, ensuring you can engage in effective workouts regardless of your location or schedule.

    Prices are customized based on individual program needs. To learn more, click the free intro session button and schedule a call with us to discuss your goals.

Welcome to Aspire To Coaching

Welcome to Aspire To Coaching. We offer personal training and small group classes in our Private Fitness Studio in Castle Rock, CO that cater to your individual needs and preferences.

🏋️‍♂️ Personal Training Tailored for You

Discover the power of personalized fitness with our dedicated one-on-one personal training sessions. Your goals are unique, and that's why our approach is all about customization. We craft programs tailored precisely to what you want to achieve, whether it's building strength, shedding those extra pounds, or simply feeling more confident. Your journey, your goals – consider them covered.

💪 Small Group Classes – Personalized Attention, Affordable Rates

Experience the best of both worlds with our small group classes. Enjoy the guidance and attention of a personal trainer in a group setting, all at a lower price point. With a maximum of just 4 people per class, you'll benefit from personalized attention within the motivating energy of a group environment.

🎶 Private Indoor Fitness Studio

Welcome to your private fitness haven! Our indoor studio is your dedicated space for focused workouts, featuring surround sound with energizing music to keep you motivated. No more distractions or crowded gyms – just you, your trainer, and a workout that keeps you moving.

👫 Maximum 4 People for Personalized Attention

In our small group classes, quality matters over quantity. With a maximum of 4 participants, you can be confident that you'll receive the personalized attention you need to reach your fitness goals. It's like having a personal trainer in a group setting, ensuring you get the best of both worlds.

Convenient Times and Locations

We understand that life is busy, so we've made it easy for you to drop in before work, during lunch or in the evening to get your sweat on. Our flexible schedule and convenient location make it simple for you to prioritize your health and well-being.

🚿 Facilities with Towel Service, Showers, and Snack Bar

Enjoy the convenience of towel service, refreshing showers, and a well-stocked snack bar to refuel your body. We believe in providing the complete fitness experience, from the moment you walk in until you leave feeling rejuvenated.

We know you will love it, but let us prove it-your first session is on us! Book your first session below.